Request a prescription renewal:

Please fill out the secure form below.  You will be contacted shortly by the Rao Dermatology Team.  Based on our assessment of what you provide, we will do one of the following:

  • Contact you directly by secure email
  • Arrange for a remote session with you, or
  • Arrange for a face-to-face session with you

    I am a patient of...

    Please choose from the list of doctors below:

    Guardian Information

    Guardian’s/Caregiver’s Full Legal Name:


    Association to the Patient:


    Administrative Information

    If this form being completed by a Guardian/caregiver, please provide full name and contact information.

    Guardian’s/Caregiver’s Full Legal Name:

    Association to the Patient:

    Patient’s Full Legal Name*:

    Date of Birth*:


    Alberta Healthcare Number*:

    Preferred Email*:

    Preferred Phone Number*:

    Last visit to Rao Dermatology:

    Current Problem

    What is the skin-related condition we are treating?

    What in-office treatment(s) did we do for you?

    What medication(s) did we prescribe to you?

    What medication(s) would you like renewed?

    Other notes:

    Pharmacy Information

    Pharmacy Name:

    Pharmacy Location:

    Pharmacy Telephone Number:

    Pharmacy Fax Number:

    Digital Image/Scan

    If you have issues uploading your images in the provided fields, please email attachments via email to with a subject line: "Telederm: Prescription Renewal - [Your Full Name]".

    (NB: Scan or image must be under 8MB)

    Carefully select the image you wish to submit:

    Statement of Authenticity

    Statement of Authenticity*: