Intense Pulse Light (IPL) Treatment

Intense Pulse Light is photorejuvenation at its best.

This treatment is a non-invasive approach to skin rejuvenation and collagen stimulation using infrared light.

It offers the advantage of improving skin tone and surface imperfections associated with aging, photo damage and especially vascular conditions such as rosacea.

The procedure is ideal for any part of your face, neck, or décolleté which show redness , and telangiectasia (tiny veins) or brown spots. It has been recommended for skin discoloration from sun damage and flushing symptoms from rosacea.

What is Intense Pulse Light Treatment?

Intense Pulse Light treatment is a photorejuvination treatment that focuses primarily on irregular pigmentation, sun damage, and discolouration or brown spots on the surface of the skin or face.  A broad spectrum of light is transmitted through a small, smooth, transparent handpiece which is gently placed over the skin. Cut-off filters in the handpiece change the wavelength range allowing it to be optimized for different applications and skin types. The light penetrates the tissue and is absorbed by either the blood when treating vascular lesions or the melanin when treating pigmented lesions damaging them. The body’s natural processes then remove the injured tissue giving the skin a more even and youthful appearance.

What Skin Conditions Can Be Treated with IPL Therapy?

IPL can treat a number of different skin conditions including:

  • Age and sun spots
  • Rosacea
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Freckles
  • Unwanted hair
  • Enlarged pores
  • Broken capillaries / blood vessels

Benefits Of IPL

IPL has a wide variety of benefits including:

  • Even skin tone, removal of brown spots and sunspots
  • Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Removal of broken capillaries
  • Refreshed and glowing appearance
  • Tighter skin texture by stimulating the growth of new collagen and elastin

How Long Does Treatment Take?

Treatment generally takes about 30 minutes to an hour to complete, though this will depend on the specific skin condition as well as the number of areas you wish to address.

Does It Hurt?

Each pulse of light is similar to a slight pinch, sting, or pin prick – some patients have even compared it to the snap of a rubber band. Overall, treatment is generally tolerated well, and anesthesia is typically not necessary. Dr. Rao will do everything in his power to make your treatment as comfortable as possible.

Are Multiple Treatments Necessary?

For optimal results, we often recommend a series of about five treatments spaced approximately three to four weeks apart; however, this may vary based on your unique skin type and concern.

What Happens After The Treatment?

Immediately following your IPL treatment, you may notice some darkening of brown spots. Broken capillaries may be reduced but are sometimes initially darker or bruised. Depending on what condition is being treated, you will notice some pinkness. Most brown spots take from 3-10 days to completely slough off. It is important to resist picking, peeling, or scrubbing the darkened areas for at least 2 weeks.  Little to no downtime can generally be expected. In fact, most patients resume their normal daily routines shortly after leaving our office.

What About Side Effects?

Side effects from IPL therapy can include some minor redness in the treatment area. This temporary flushing appearance can often be concealed with makeup and should resolve relatively quickly. Additionally, you may notice some darkening of any brown spots that were targeted during treatment, but this too should fade over the course of a few days as your skin heals from within.

Which IPL Treatments do you offer?

This therapy can truly reveal brighter clearer and more youthful skin. At Rao Dermatology, we have 2 ideal IPL photorejuvenation technologies, Sciton BBL and the Cutera Limelight, allowing us to choose the best one for your skin type.

Book Your Free Consultation Now

Our team is committed to working with you to develop a synergistic approach for enhancing your skin’s health and reducing the signs of aging. Dr. Rao has extensive experience and expertise in IPL treatments in Edmonton.

During his consultation with you he will address your specific needs and goals and answer any questions or concerns you may have about the procedure. In addition, he will make recommendations as to the best treatment plan for achieving your desired results. Use the form below to book now.