Over-using products on your face

The saying “less is more” can be misleading when trying to decipher which products to use on your face.  Sometimes too little can misinformMake Up Tips | Rao Dermatology Edmonton a product’s effectiveness. On the other hand, overusing a product in the hope that the results will occur sooner or in a greater way is just as dangerous. At Rao Dermatology, we believe that moderation is the best medicine—never too little and never too much.  The following products and/or routines have dominated our list of overuse. Take note!


We celebrate exfoliating and it is one of the leading methods for skin purification. However, if you are exfoliating your skin too often you will destroy and ultimately remove your skin’s top layer. By removing this protective barrier you do more harm to your skin than good and while you believe that you should be seeing positive results, quite the opposite occurs. Our dermatologists recommend exfoliating two or three times a week, maximum.


Products such as cleansers and scrubs can also be overused.  You can definitely wash your face too much. The outcome: you remove the natural oils from your skin. The best way to mitigate this downfall is to cleanse or scrub your skin in the evenings so you can remove the makeup, dust, and dirt from the day’s adventures. In the mornings, use a wet washcloth to cleanse your face.


Makeup, Makeup, Makeup. This is the obvious culprit of product overusing. Too much will clog your pores, reduce your skin’s natural radiance, and overtime, cause aging. To avoid these side effects, apply natural primers and concealers that protect your skin. Further, try to limit your makeup use to work and special occasions. The more opportunity your skin has to breathe, the better.


Take this list to heart and monitor what products you’re overusing. The change will only be for the better and your skin will thank you for it.