Redensity I

An extraordinary injectable for light dermal filling and skin redensification.

Redensity I is a combination of injectable dermal filler and mesotherapy.  Loss of hydration and luminosity causes our skin to look dull and tired at any age.  Fine lines, wrinkles and darkness start to appear, your complexion dulls and the texture of your skin becomes uneven.

Redensity I is a light filling  treatment consisting of microinjections performed evenly across the face, neck and hands.   Its’ select ingredients of hyaluronic acid, amino acids, and vitamins work at a much deeper level, giving an immediate, cumulative and most importantly a natural result.

Reveal Your Skin’s Radiance

As we age, cells naturally start to reproduce more slowly and produce less collagen and elastin. So inevitably, skin becomes thinner, losing elasticity and luminosity, while wrinkles deepen, complexion dulls, and your skin becomes uneven.

The exclusive formula of Teosyal Redensity I is the balance between Injectable Filler and Mesotherapy. It redensifies your skin, bringing backs its ability to reflect light and supplying an immediate, cumulative, visible, and – most importantly – natural result!

This procedure is a great choice for the face, neck, décolleté, and hands – all areas that are fragile and often ignored by traditional treatments.

What is Redensity I

Redensity I is a medical-grade treatment that consists of micro-injections performed evenly across the area of concern to spread the dermal restructuring complex evenly into the skin. Results are evident several days following the treatment and are cumulative with each session.

Benefits of Redensity I

  • Nourishes and hydrates the skin from within
  • Redensifies the skin and restores plumpness
  • Improves skin texture, tone, and firmness
  • Promotes radiance and improves complexion
  • Gives an overall refreshed look
  • Beneficial in conjunction with treatments that promote collagen

Who is best suited to use Redensity 1 treatment?

This light filling procedure is suitable for anyone in any age category who has noticed the following signs of aging begin to appear and develop: tired, drawn features, loss of tone and radiance, wrinkles, and lines. It is both corrective AND preventative!  The treatment plan is easy: 3 appointments 3 weeks apart.  It is both corrective and preventative without any social downtime.

We welcome you to come in for a free consultation.  Beautiful luminous skin awaits you.